Innovation Academy
Through our Innovation Academy we offer a package of workshops for companies stepping into innovation.
Developed from first-hand experience, they provide you with tools and resources to enable you to maximise your vision.
Topic Specific Innovation
Working in niche and emerging areas of sustainable innovation, biov8tion provides specialist support in topic areas such as Fibre Fragmentation, Sustainable Stretch and Biobased Resources.
Innovation is greater than purely just an idea, but the combination of creativity plus timing, technology, process, collaboration, communication and ultimately delivery.
For many organisations not resourced in all areas, innovation becomes frustrating with many concepts never commercialised or return on investment met. biov8tion works with you, providing experience and external capacity, to enable you to realise your ideas at the macro and micro topic level:
Fibre Fragmentation

There is a developing landscape of research identifying fibre fragmentation from both natural and synthetic textiles, as a contributor to environmental pollution.
Although negative impacts to marine life have been known for some time, there is growing concern to human health.
This is a complex topic, not simply attributed to textile composition. The challenges lie in the interconnectivity of all the unique factors that make up a fabric, including but not exclusive of raw materials, type of yarn and fabric construction. Brands are at risk from negative media exposure, until they are able to apply research to new product solutions.
We work within the framework of The Microfibre Consortium to facilitate the development of practical solutions for the textile industry to minimise fibre fragmentation.
Sustainable Stretch

Today it is estimated that more than 80% of apparel product is created using Elastane.
Elastane is increasingly under sustainability scrutiny at various levels:
Raw Materials use chemistry that is under human safety review
Processing uses unsustainable solvent based technology
Limited end of life options means clothing ends up in landfill
The challenge within industry is to find a direct replacement, with the same high performance stretch and recovery properties.
We untangle the complexities, providing you with the business case to make change, and the tools needed to engage your decision makers and get started.

The UN forecasts that global population will rise to 8.1 billion by 2025. To support this, there is an urgency to switch to renewable resources and work within circular systems to enable our clothing to remain in use for longer.
The textile industry is currently reliant on oil based synthetics, which are price competitive and readily available. Switching to bio based and renewable raw materials requires a shift in approach to design, sourcing, costing and manufacturing which is not currently fully mature.
By demystifying the topic sticking points, we enable you to see the big picture and how you can play your part. Through the tools and resources we provide, you are able to engage your decisions makers in support of your transition to the use of renewable resources.